
The surge 2 missable trophies
The surge 2 missable trophies

Welcome to the Horizon Forbidden West Trophy Guide! This is a fun and quick platinum that only requires ~50% game completion.

  • Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, there is free-roam, but cannot revisit the prologue area & final main quest area (missable Specter & Specter Prime machine scans).
  • In PS5 version click “Import Game from PlayStation 4” in the Title Screen or Pause Menu, it autopops all trophies that you earned on the PS4 save, including platinum.
  • PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: Yes, but can only transfer/autopop trophies from PS4 to PS5 (not from PS5 to PS4).
  • Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, can do everything on Story difficulty.
  • the surge 2 missable trophies

    #The surge 2 missable trophies Patch

    “Specter” is still missable but as of Patch 1.16 can be scanned in New Game+ if missed. *As of Patch 1.08 “Specter Prime” gets added to database automatically if missed. Especially the endboss is a highly missable scan, only appears one time in the game and if you die during the boss fight you must rescan it). Both can be found in final main story quest “ Singularity“. Number of missable trophies: 1 – All Machine Types Scanned ( Specter & Specter Prime are missable scans, they only spawn during quests and don’t have open world spawns.

    the surge 2 missable trophies

    Approximate amount of time to platinum: 30 hours if doing trophy-relevant tasks only and playing on story difficulty, ignoring all other side tasks (~50% overall completion required) / 40 hours if playing on Normal and doing more side tasks than needed.

    The surge 2 missable trophies